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Oil platform

BeyondPetro: Company that finds very deep oil and gas under the sea But to do this, they have massive platforms that float on water. These platforms have tall drills that extend right down to the bottom of the ocean, where all you lovely oil and gas are |/ These were like little towns, people would spend months living and working on these platforms

I live on an oil platform so it can be very fun. You are on something huge in the middle of an ocean. Oil platform life is very dangerous because of working and living on the platforms so workers have to be careful while they are there. Balancing is difficult, particularly when the platform rises and falls with the waves of a nearby ocean. This  BeyondPetro mud motor engine means that the workers must watch their feet and avert her or his full attention to avoid slipping.  

Safety measures on an offshore oil platform

This may seem like a strange question but when people visit the website they want to know) is what life was like every day on an oil platform. Life follows a routine and schedule! Doctors, Nurses have certain meal break times (the regular BF -Lunch and Dinner) Their rooms are shared, so they have roommates too and their bathrooms also work like common ones. The platform also there are doctors ans nurses you can check in if some sick or hurt. But out at sea, the work can be hard going

BeyondPetro is very concerned about safety at the platforms. It is their top priority. The BeyondPetro casing pipeline company provides briefing sessions to train everyone who engages in the business of how they can and have to remain secure when on-site. Workers wear hard-hats to protect heads and safety glasses eyes. This way they are protected from falling objects or accidents that may occur. 

Why choose BeyondPetro Oil platform?

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